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Selected publications from the Institute of Radiology

Selected publications from the Institute of Radiology

  • German, A., A. Mennecke, J. Martin, J. Hanspach, A. Liebert, J. Herrler, T. A. Kuder, M. Schmidt, A. Nagel, M. Uder, A. Doerfler, J. Winkler, M. Zaiss and F. B. Laun.
    Brain tissues have single-voxel signatures in multi-spectral MRI
    Neuroimage 2021 117986.

  • Hanspach, J., A. M. Nagel, B. Hensel, M. Uder, L. Koros and F. B. Laun.
    Sample size estimation: Current practice and considerations for original investigations in MRI technical development studies.
    Magn Reson Med 2021 85(4): 2109-2116.

  • Gast, L. V., S. Volker, M. Utzschneider, P. Linz, T. Wilferth, M. Muller, C. Kopp, B. Hensel, M. Uder and A. M. Nagel.
    Combined imaging of potassium and sodium in human skeletal muscle tissue at 7 T.
    Magn Reson Med 2021 85(1): 239-253.

  • Heiss, R., D. M. Grodzki, W. Horger, M. Uder, A. M. Nagel and S. Bickelhaupt.
    High-performance low field MRI enables visualization of persistent pulmonary damage after COVID-19
    Magn Reson Imaging 2021 76: 49-51.

  • Herrler, J., P. Liebig, R. Gumbrecht, D. Ritter, S. Schmitter, A. Maier, M. Schmidt, M. Uder, A. Doerfler and A. M. Nagel
    Fast online-customized (FOCUS) parallel transmission pulses: A combination of universal pulses and individual optimization
    Magn Reson Med 85(6): 3140-3153.

  • Ohlmeyer S, Laun F.B., Bickelhaupt S., Palm T., Janka R., Weiland E., Uder M., Wenkel E.
    Ultra-High b-Value Diffusion-Weighted Imaging–Based Abbreviated Protocols for Breast Cancer Detection
    Investigative Radiology 2021

  • Martin, J., S. Endt, A. Wetscherek, T. A. Kuder, A. Doerfler, M. Uder, B. Hensel and F. B. Laun.
    Twice-refocused stimulated echo diffusion imaging: Measuring diffusion time dependence at constant T1 weighting
    Magn Reson Med 2020 83(5): 1741-1749.

  • Liebert, A., K. Tkotz, J. Herrler, P. Linz, A. Mennecke, A. German, P. Liebig, R. Gumbrecht, M. Schmidt, A. Doerfler, M. Uder, M. Zaiss and A. M. Nagel.
    Whole-brain quantitative CEST MRI at 7T using parallel transmission methods and B1+ correction
    Magn Reson Med 2021 86(1): 346-362.

  • Voelker, M. N., O. Kraff, S. Goerke, F. B. Laun, J. Hanspach, K. J. Pine, P. Ehses, M. Zaiss, A. Liebert, S. Straub, K. Eckstein, S. Robinson, A. N. Nagel, M. R. Stefanescu, A. Wollrab, S. Klix, J. Felder, M. Hock, D. Bosch, N. Weiskopf, O. Speck, M. E. Ladd and H. H. Quick.
    The Traveling Heads 2.0: Multicenter Reproducibility of Quantitative Imaging Methods at 7 Tesla
    Neuroimage 2021 117910.

  • Treutlein, C., T. Bauerle, A. M. Nagel, A. Guermazi, A. Kleyer, D. Simon, G. Schett, T. Hepp, M. Uder and F. W. Roemer.
    Comprehensive assessment of knee joint synovitis at 7 T MRI using contrast-enhanced and non-enhanced sequences
    BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2020 21(1): 116.

  • Ellmann S, Wenkel E, Dietzel M, Bielowski C, Vesal S, Maier A, Hammon M, Janka R, Fasching PA, Beckmann MW, Schulz Wendtland R, Uder M, Bäuerle T.
    Implementation of machine learning into clinical breast MRI: Potential for objective and accurate decision-making in suspicious breast masses.
    PLoS One. 2020 Jan 30;15(1):e0228446.

  • Ellmann S, Schlicht M, Dietzel M, Janka R, Hammon M, Saake M, Ganslandt T, Hartmann A, Kunath F, Wullich B, Uder M, Bäuerle T.
    Computer-Aided Diagnosis in Multiparametric MRI of the Prostate: An Open-Access Online Tool for Lesion Classification with High Accuracy.
    Cancers (Basel). 2020 Aug 21;12(9):2366. doi: 10.3390/cancers12092366.

  • Riexinger, A. J., J. Martin, S. Rauh, A. Wetscherek, M. Pistel, T. A. Kuder, A. M. Nagel, M. Uder, B. Hensel, L. Muller and F. B. Laun.
    On the Field Strength Dependence of Bi- and Triexponential Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) Parameters in the Liver
    J Magn Reson Imaging 50(6): 1883-1892.

  • Gerhalter T, Gast LV, Marty B, Martin J, Trollmann R, Schüssler S, Roemer F, Laun FB, Uder M, Schröder R, Carlier PG, Nagel AM.
    23Na MRI Depicts Early Changes in Ion Homeostasis in Skeletal Muscle Tissue of Patients With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
    J Magn Reson Imaging. 2019 Feb 4. doi: 10.1002/jmri.26681.

  • Ellmann S, Seyler L, Evers J, Heinen H, Bozec A, Prante O, Kuwert T, Uder M, Bäuerle T.
    Prediction of early metastatic disease in experimental breast cancer bone metastasis by combining PET/CT and MRI parameters to a Model-Averaged Neural Network.
    Bone. 2019 Mar;120:254-261.

  • Huhn K, Engelhorn T, Linker RA, Nagel AM.
    Potential of Sodium MRI as a Biomarker for Neurodegeneration and Neuroinflammation in Multiple Sclerosis.
    Front Neurol 2019; (in press) doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00084

  • Saake M, Schmidle A, Kopp M, Hanspach J, Hepp T, Laun FB, Nagel AM, Dörfler A, Uder M, Bäuerle T.
    MRI Brain Signal Intensity and Relaxation Times in Individuals with Prior Exposure to Gadobutrol.
    Radiology. 2019 Jan 1:181927.

  • Gast LV, Gerhalter T, Hensel B, Uder M, Nagel AM.
    Double quantum filtered 23Na MRI with magic angle excitation of human skeletal muscle in the presence of B0 and B1 inhomogeneities.
    NMR Biomed. 2018 Dec;31(12):e4010.

  • Ellmann S, Langer V, Britzen-Laurent N, Hildner K, Huber C, Tripal P, Seyler L, Waldner M, Uder M, Stürzl M, Bäuerle T.
    Application of machine learning algorithms for multiparametric MRI-based evaluation of murine colitis.
    PLoS One. 2018 Oct 26;13(10):e0206576.

  • Heiss R, Wiesmueller M, Uder M, May MS, Wuest W.
    Native cardiac T1 Mapping: Standardized inline analysis of long and short axis at three identical 1.5 Tesla MRI scanners.
    Eur J Radiol. 2018 Oct;107:203-208.

  • Schellhaas B, Hammon M, Strobel D, Pfeifer L, Kielisch C, Goertz RS, Cavallaro A, Janka R, Neurath MF, Uder M, Seuss H.
    Interobserver and intermodality agreement of standardized algorithms for non-invasive diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma in high-risk patients: CEUS-LI-RADS versus MRI-LI-RADS.
    Eur Radiol. 2018 Oct;28(10):4254-4264

  • Lommen JM, Flassbeck S, Behl NGR, Niesporek S, Bachert P, Ladd ME, Nagel AM.
    Probing the microscopic environment of 23 Na ions in brain tissue by MRI: On the accuracy of different sampling schemes for the determination of rapid, biexponential T2* decay at low signal-to-noise ratio.
    Magn Reson Med. 2018 Aug;80(2):571-584.

  • Niesporek SC, Umathum R, Lommen JM, Behl NGR, Paech D, Bachert P, Ladd ME, Nagel AM.
    Reproducibility of CMRO2 determination using dynamic 17O MRI.
    Magn Reson Med. 2018 Jun;79(6):2923-2934.

  • Funck C, Laun FB, Wetscherek A.
    Characterization of the diffusion coefficient of blood.
    Magn Reson Med. 2018 May;79(5):2752-2758.

  • Demberg K, Laun FB, Bertleff M, Bachert P, Kuder TA.
    Experimental determination of pore shapes using phase retrieval from q-space NMR diffraction.
    Phys Rev E. 2018 May;97(5-1):052412.

  • Laun F, Demberg K, Nagel AM, Uder M, Kuder TA.
    On the Vanishing of the t-term in the Short-Time Expansion of the Diffusion Coefficient for Oscillating Gradients in Diffusion NMR.
    Frontiers in physics. 2017 Nov;5:56.

  • May MS, Bruegel J, Brand M, Wiesmueller M, Krauss B, Allmendinger T, Uder M, Wuest W.
    Computed Tomography of the Head and Neck Region for Tumor Staging-Comparison of Dual-Source, Dual-Energy and Low-Kilovolt, Single-Energy Acquisitions.
    Invest Radiol. 2017 Sep;52(9):522-528.

  • Mueller L, Wetscherek A, Kuder TA, Laun FB.
    Eddy current compensated double diffusion encoded (DDE) MRI.
    Magn Reson Med. 2017 Jan;77(1):328-335.

  • Wuest W, May M, Saake M, Brand M, Uder M, Lell M.
    Low-Dose CT of the Paranasal Sinuses: Minimizing X-Ray Exposure with Spectral Shaping.
    Eur Radiol. 2016 Nov;26(11):4155-4161

  • Häberle L, Fasching PA, Brehm B, Heusinger K, Jud SM, Loehberg CR, Hack CC, Preuss C, Lux MP, Hartmann A, Vachon CM, Meier-Meitinger M, Uder M, Beckmann MW, Schulz-Wendtland R.
    Mammographic density is the main correlate of tumors detected on ultrasound but not on mammography.
    Int J Cancer. 2016 Nov 1;139(9):1967-74

  • Nagel AM, Umathum R, Rösler MB, Ladd ME, Litvak I, Gor'kov PL, Brey WW, Schepkin VD.
    39K and 23Na relaxation times and MRI of rat head at 21.1 T.

    NMR Biomed. 2016 Jun;29(6):759-66.

  • Ellmann S, Kammerer F, Brand M, Allmendinger T, May MS, Uder M, Lell MM, Kramer M
    A Novel Pairwise Comparison-Based Method to Determine Radiation Dose Reduction Potentials of Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms, Exemplified Through Circle of Willis Computed Tomography Angiography.
    Invest Radiol. 2016 May;51(5):331-9.

  • Laun FB, Müller L, Kuder TA.
    NMR-based diffusion lattice imaging.
    Phys Rev E. 2016 Mar;93(3):032401.

  • Brand M, Ellmann S, Sommer M, May MS, Eller A, Wuest W, Engert C, Achenbach S, Kuefner MA, Baeuerle T, Lell M, Uder M.
    Influence of Cardiac MR Imaging on DNA Double-Strand Breaks in Human Blood Lymphocytes.
    Radiology. 2015 Nov;277(2):406-12.

  • Roemer FW, Kwoh CK, Hannon MJ, Hunter DJ, Eckstein F, Wang Z, Boudreau RM, John MR, Nevitt MC, Guermazi A.
    Can Structural Joint Damage Measured with MR Imaging Be Used to Predict Knee Replacement in the Following Year?
    Radiology 2015; 274(3):810-20

  • Lurz M, Lell MM, Wuest W, Eller A, Scharf M, Uder M, May MS.
    Automated tube voltage selection in thoracoabdominal computed tomography at high pitch using a third-generation dual-source scanner: image quality and radiation dose performance.
    Invest Radiol. 2015 May;50(5):352-60

  • Jantsch J et al.
    Cutaneous Na+ storage strengthens the antimicrobial barrier function of the skin and boosts macrophage-driven host defense.
    Cell Metab. 2015 Mar 3;21(3):493-501



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